Hey Backers!
For ALL of our project updates, please be sure to check our Kickstarter updates page here: https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1548028600/battle-chasers-nightwar/updates
Alpha went out the door last month to our alpha backers and has gone very well. A special thanks to all those who took time to report bugs and give us feedback... We appreciate it!
Happening Now
The team is in full-on finish-the-game-mode. So what does that mean? Here's a glimpse:
- Finishing content: We're putting a shine on dungeons, micro-dungeons, the world map... everything!
- Localization: Coming to the languages we originally announced, plus MORE! We'll announce those next month!
- QA: THQNordic's QA team is at full-burn, playing through the game and testing for bugs
- Finalizing Cutscenes: The motion graphic cut scenes and fully-animated 2d intro are both being finalized right now!
- Lots of hard work: Our talented folks have the pedal to the floor getting this thing done!
Backer Survey
By the end of this week, all of our supporters will be able to make their platform choices and give us the info we need to fulfill everything that's coming. There will be a separate email sent out by Friday with details on that. So keep an eye out!
Physical Version: We're still working with our publisher, THQNordic, to work out the logistics of fulfilling requests for a physical version of the game (not originally promised in the campaign). It's taking longer than we anticipated, but we're hoping to have that ironed out very soon, and when we do, we'll let you guys know!
Polygon Plays Battle Chasers: Nightwar
If you're feeling like some extended gameplay footage, check out a Let's Play Polygon recently did of the PAX East demo build!
Beta Date
With Alpha released, we know the next big question is... where's beta?! The short answer is, we're still working that out. Our plan is to drop it in the next 4-6 weeks. We'll have a definitive answer for everyone by our next update, which will be in late June.
Nightwar will be at E3 in THQNordic's press-only area. There's a chance we may also sneak out onto the show floor in someone else's booth... but that announcement will have to come at a later date. As soon as we know, you'll know!
And, sure, how about a big drop of cool screenshots, along with a few character intros?
Quick Shout Out
So this game was announced. May be worth mentioning. :)
It's being done by our good friends at Gunfire Games, where a massive number of ex-Vigil crew landed, including the majority of leads from the Darksiders games.
Congrats to Gunfire and our guys at THQNordic for keeping the torch lit!
Thanks all!